What does "salt of the earth" mean?

6 Answers

What does "(to be) the salt of the earth" mean?


"(to be) the salt of the earth" is a phrase that is used to describe someone who is honest, hardworking, and dependable.


The phrase is often used to compliment someone who is down-to-earth and unpretentious, and it is typically used to express admiration and respect for someone's character.


Person 1: "I don't know what I would do without Tom. He's the salt of the earth."

Person 2: "I completely agree. He's always there for you, no matter what."


  • "She's the salt of the earth. You can always count on her to be there for you."

  • "He's the kind of guy you want in your corner. Solid as a rock, the salt of the earth."

  • "She's the salt of the earth, always willing to lend a helping hand."

  • "He's the salt of the earth, always honest and dependable."


Mary was the salt of the earth. She was honest, hardworking, and dependable, and everyone who knew her respected her for it. She had a strong work ethic and was always willing to lend a helping hand. She was the kind of person you could always count on, no matter what.

One day, Mary's boss approached her with an opportunity. He had heard about a new project that was being developed and thought Mary would be the perfect person to lead it. Mary was hesitant at first, but her boss convinced her to give it a try.

As it turned out, Mary was a natural leader. She brought her strong work ethic and dependability to the project and was able to inspire her team to work together and achieve their goals. The project was a huge success, and Mary's boss was grateful to have her on the team.


  1. Why do people use the phrase "salt of the earth" to describe someone?

  2. What qualities does Mary have that make her the salt of the earth?

  3. How did Mary's strong work ethic and dependability contribute to the success of the project?

  4. How did Mary's boss convince her to take on the leadership role?

  5. How did Mary's team respond to her leadership style?

  6. How did the success of the project impact Mary's career?

  7. In what ways do you think Mary's qualities as the salt of the earth are important in a professional setting?

  8. How can we be more like Mary and strive to be the salt of the earth in our own lives?

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'Salt of the earth' What does it mean?

'Salt of the earth' What does it mean?

It is a way of describing a person or people who are humble and honest

These people are the salt of the earth

'Salt of the earth'

It is a way of describing a person or people who are humble and honest.


Salt of the earth and its meaning

The meaning of "salt of the earth" and its origin.

The phrase "salt of the earth" is used as a noun, but may also be hyphenated as "salt-of-the-earth" when used as an adjective before a noun.

For thousands of years, salt has served as a valuable, precious and necessary commodity. The value of salt can even be seen when studying some religious texts where a person's value is brought into comparison with the high value of salt. The *Ancient Near East (ANE) was obtained through either mining it from limestone close to the Dead Sea or evaporation from the Dead Sea. Harvesting/obtaining salt from an area such as the Dead Sea where salt could easily be subjected to contamination when evaporation occurred, truly added value to the salt mined from the earth. This practical knowledge paved the way for the great compliment "salt of the earth".

The phrase "salt of the earth" is thus used when describing a person who is honest, dependable, unpretentious, and kind. This phrase can also be used when respectfully referring to someone, affirming their positive attributes even when facing challenging situations.

*The ancient Near East refers to early civilizations in a region roughly corresponding to the modern Middle East.

Synonyms for "Salt of the Earth":











  • "David is the salt of the earth. He's always the first to help when someone is in trouble".

  • "They are really the salt of the earth. There is always room for another person in their house".

  • "Your grandmother is the salt of the earth".

Try to fill in the missing words:

  • Mary is really the ______________________________. She has neither lied to nor harmed anyone.

  • Those folks are the _________________.

To conclude:

Being referred to as the "salt of the earth" should be deemed an incredible compliment. May you also live humbly, kindly, and honestly enough to be referred to as the "salt of the earth".


What does 'salt of the earth' mean?

The phrase "salt of the earth" is used to describe someone who is honest, reliable, and hardworking. It is often used to describe someone who is considered to be a good and noble person, someone who is considered to be the backbone of society. The phrase comes from the Bible, specifically from the Sermon on the Mount, in which Jesus says, "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot." In this context, Jesus is saying that his followers are meant to be a positive influence on the world and that they should strive to be a good and virtuous people.

Here are a few examples of how the phrase "salt of the earth" might be used:

  • "My grandmother is the salt of the earth. She's always been there for me, no matter what."

  • "I'm so grateful to have a partner who is the salt of the earth. They're honest, hardworking, and always there for me."

  • "I admire people who are the salt of the earth. They're the ones who do the hard work and make our society run smoothly."

  • "The people in this community are the salt of the earth. They're always there to help out their neighbors and make things better for everyone."

  • "My grandfather was the salt of the earth. He was a kind, honest, and hardworking man, and he always put others before himself."

    Here are a few fill-in-the-blank exercises using the phrase "salt of the earth":

    1. My mom is the _______ of the earth. She always puts others before herself and works hard to make sure our family is taken care of.

    2. My best friend is the _______ of the earth. They are honest, reliable, and always there for me when I need them.

    3. The volunteers at the homeless shelter are the _______ of the earth. They work tirelessly to help those in need and make a difference in the community.

    4. My co-worker is the _______ of the earth. They are always willing to lend a helping hand and go above and beyond to get the job done.

    5. The teachers at my school are the _______ of the earth. They dedicate their lives to educating and helping young people reach their potential.


What does salt of the earth mean?

Salt of the earth means a very good and honest person or group of people. This is an idiom phrase.

Salt has long been considered a valuable commodity, and this phrase dates from biblical times. According to the Gospel of Matthew (5:13), Jesus told those who were persecuted for their loyalty to him, “You are the salt of the earth.” The term has been so used ever since.

Here are some examples:

  • Luna is the salt of the earth. She is the first to help anyone in trouble.

  • David is the salt of the earth. He is always help the homeless find food and shelter.

Remember this is a compliment!

Being described by someone as 'the salt of the earth' is quite a compliment...it means that you are a person of great worth and reliability. Tell someone they are the salt of the earth, and you will make their day!


"Salt of the earth" is a phrase that means a person who is honest, hardworking, and reliable.

Here is a more detailed answer:

"Salt of the earth" is a phrase that means a person who is honest, hardworking, and reliable. The phrase is often used to describe someone who is down-to-earth, humble, and genuine, and who is considered to be a valuable and important member of society. The phrase can be used to show respect or admiration for someone who is seen as a role model or an example of good character.

Here are a few usage examples to help you better understand this expression:

  • "My grandfather is the salt of the earth – he's always been there for me and has never let me down."

  • "My boss is the salt of the earth – she's always fair and treats everyone with respect."

  • "My neighbor is the salt of the earth – she's always willing to lend a helping hand and is always there for me when I need her."

  • "My teacher is the salt of the earth – she's always patient and understanding, and she always goes above and beyond to help her students."

Here are a few multiple choice questions to help you practice using this expressions:

  1. What does the phrase "salt of the earth" mean?

    a) A person who is dishonest, lazy, and unreliable

    b) A person who is honest, hardworking, and reliable

    c) A person who is arrogant, selfish, and rude

    d) A person who is kind, compassionate, and generous

Answer: b) A person who is honest, hardworking, and reliable

  1. In which context is the phrase "salt of the earth" typically used?

    a) To describe someone who is disliked or disliked

    b) To describe someone who is respected or admired

    c) To describe someone who is envied or jealous

    d) To describe someone who is indifferent or apathetic

Answer: b) To describe someone who is respected or admired

  1. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate use of the phrase "salt of the earth"?

    a) Describing someone who is down-to-earth, humble, and genuine b) Describing someone who is seen as a role model or an example of good character

    c) Describing someone who is dishonest, lazy, and unreliable

    d) Describing someone who is arrogant, selfish, and rude

Answer: c) Describing someone who is dishonest, lazy, and unreliable

  1. Can the phrase "salt of the earth" be used to show respect or admiration for someone?

    a) Yes

    b) No

Answer: a) Yes


"Salt of the earth" is a phrase that means a person who is honest, hardworking, and reliable. The phrase is often used to describe someone who is down-to-earth, humble, and genuine, and who is considered to be a valuable and important member of society. The phrase can be used to show respect or admiration for someone who is seen as a role model or an example of good character.
