What does underrated mean?

28 Answers

The meaning of 'Underrated'.

'Underrated' is an adjective.

It means that something is considered as less than its value.

For example, I think a film is very good but its average rating is 2 stars. I would consider that film to be 'underrated'.

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Rated lower than it should be.

Rated less.

Rated less than it deserves.

This movie is so good, but it has been underrated.


Could be used for people, thing, or ideas that are not valued the way the should be.


Underrated comes from the root word rated with the prefix under which means less.



rated- value of something

Therefore, underrated means something is valued (or rated) less than what it is actually worth.


"KFC's new burger is underrated, I love it!"

"The movie Fly on The Wall is underrated with a score of 4/10"


What does it mean when something is underrated?

When something or someone is said to be underrated, that does not mean it is bad! Underrated normally means that a person or a thing does not receive enough credit for being great. We could say that the person or thing is underappreciated.

Some things that we can say are underrated:

An underrated person may be very quiet, so others do not see their worth and abilities.

An underrated movie may not have received very good reviews, although it was excellent.

An underrated fruit would be one that most people say bad things about. For example: Most people say that durian fruit stinks, but they may not know that it is delicious and full of good nutrients.

Examples of how to use the word "underrated".

Let's say that you and a friend are talking about the secretary at your business. She is an average looking lady, with no extraordinary beauty. She does not make jokes or engage in much small talk around the office. However, she is an excellent worker. She gets more done in a day than anyone else in the office. If you talk to her, she listens intently and gives good advise when needed. Your friend says, "She isn't an amazing person." However, you know that she is an amazing person that not many people appreciate. A good response would be "In my opinion, she is underrated."

Using the word underrated will show your skill in using the English language.

When you properly use the word underrated, native English speakers will see that you can accurately describe a thing or person with one simple word. Learn to use the word "underrated" to show good description skills.


As a general rule, the word underrated means that something is not given the correct amount of value that it deserves.

For example:

The movie was the best film I have ever seen, I cannot believe it has only got a score of 5.5 on IMDB! It is so underrated.

These chips are so underrated, they are so yummy! Why isn't anyone else buying them?

I don't know why the coach didn't allow No.10, 13 and 15 to play, they would have won the game for them if they had played. They have underrated their own players.


Someone or something that is underrated is that the thing is not regarded as the best, but may actually be surprisingly good

An underrated thing

Beyond all expectations, being underrated is something that can be a chip on someone's shoulder as they want to prove that others are wrong about them or even their performance.

John was an undrafted player coming out of high school and joined an ivy league college to play basketball. When he went undrafted in the pro's, he walked on to the professional team. His critics thought he was underrated and wouldn't fare well in the professional league.

To prove everyone wrong when underrated

John had the chance to start off the bench. Many people thought he wouldn't be good in this league. He proved everyone wrong with his performance. The underrated player became quite the sensation.



A: This movie is so underrated!!
B: Yeah, totally.


underrated (a) 被低估的



overrated (a) 被高估的

A: This movie is so underrated!!

B: Yeah, totally.


underrated, overrated很常在國外論壇用到




The meaning is not given enough recognition for its quality


Example sentence : No collection is complete without this highly underrated gem!


  1. adjective


Not given enough recognition for its quality

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rated or evaluated too low; underestimated or undervalued:

If you call something underrated, it means you think the general opinion about it is lower than it should be.

if a person or thing is underrated, especially a performer, writer, or sports player, most people do not recognize how good that person or thing really is. She is one of the league's most underrated players.

Underrated is an adjective, but is also the past tense of the verb underrate. It is somewhat more common to call something underrated than to say that people underrate it, but both are used. The opposite of underrated is overrated, which is perhaps more commonly used.

Example: I think Brussels sprouts are an underrated food.


Underrated refers to someone or something that is not given it’s true value or respect .

The double role

Underrated is an adjective , it describes something . It is also important to note that it is a past tense of the doing word “ underate“ which in its past form becomes underrated .


Our soccer team is underrated but we have won 7 matches against top teams .

Mrs Peter’s is under rated as a teacher because she has only a few years of working experience .

In my country parent prefer academics , they want layers , doctors and engineers . Kids good in sports are underrated


A lot of things can be underrated.People , teams , class subjects , animals even events .


Hi everyone!

Underrated is an adjective used to describe someone/something that has yet to be fully appreciated... Someone/something that has been under valued and incorrectly evaluated.


The guacamole here is underrated... It's the best in town!

She's underrated... You should see her play!


Underrated is a word that could be used often in both informal and formal conversations.

The word underrated is an adjective used often in an informal way when describing music, movies, actors, or anything that does not receive the recognition it deserves. When used in an informal matter it is an opinion, and when used in a formal matter it is a fact. The formal use of the word can be used as a verb explaining the act of not valuing something.

The word underrated is used when a person or thing is not valued highly enough.

Informal and Formal Uses


I think that Wolverine is the most underrated Marvel superhero.

I love that song! TLC is such an underrated girl group.


He underated the importance of learning the correct way to write an email.

He underated the success of the company and missed out on a phenomenal investment.


Underrated - the opposite of overrated

It's about rating, so your opinion.

It's an adjective used to describe your opinion about something or someone. If it's underrated, it should be rated more highly in your opinion. You believe it is better than people generally think or advertise. If it's overrated you believe it has a better reputation than it deserves.

The movie was underrated, everyone told me it was boring but I thought it was really good! You should not listen to the bad reviews and go and see it!


Underrated means..

Underrated means that you think that something is much better than how most people describe it. It means when people thinks its a 5 out of 10, but actually you think its a 8 out of 10.

For example, most people think that raw fish or raw meat is disgusting and hard to eat. However, you really like raw food and you think raw food tastes good than most people think. In this case, you can say to your friends that "Raw food is so underrated."


Overrated - A person, service, place or thing is not appreciated nearly as much as it should be.

Idioms & Expressions

The flight staff with this airline is exceptional...truly underrated.

These athletic shoes are incredibly comfortable, durable and low-cost. This brand is absolutely underrated.

To get more than expected from a good, service, experience...etc.


Teaching is such an underrated profession. Underrated?

What it means and how to use "underrated" correctly.

We use the word "underrated" to describe something that does not usually get the praise or credit it deserves. The example of teaching is used. Students often want to pay as little as possible to acquire invaluable knowledge from a teacher who has studied at university, spent years gaining experience and knowledge and spent a fortune on additional courses to gain their knowledge. Students don't realise the value of the skills that teachers posses - therefore teachers are underrated.

The nutritional value of leafy vegetables is seriously underrated; if more people understood how beneficial they are, more people would be eating them instead of junk food.

The benefits of exercise are underrated; most people feel that sitting on the couch watching TV will help them to relax, however going for a walk instead will help them feel relaxed and energised.

The use of the adjective "underrated" is underrated.


What does underrated mean?

  1. not rated or valued highly enough.

    "a very underrated film"

If you call something underrated, it means you think the general opinion about it is lower than it should be

He is one of Hollywood's most underrated actors (= He is much better than people think)

The definition of underrated is something that has not received the merit, recognition or praise it deserves.

A movie that is really very good but that no one really pays attention to or praises is an example of an underrated movie.




it is an adjective.

it means rated or valued too low than it should be.

UNDERRATED in a sentence:

"The Florida Project" is one of the most beautiful and underrated movies in 2017.

In my opinion, Anya Taylor is one of most underrated celebrity in Hollywood.

UNDERRATED synonyms:

  • undervalue

  • underestimate


Underrated means that something is better than people think it is.

That the general opinion about something is lower than it should be. - It is more important/ good than people say it is.

In my opinion, tomatoes are underrated vegetables.

The movie was underrated by the magazine.


What does 'underrated' mean?

'Underrated' 意思是什麼?

Rate (動詞 V)評論,評價

Under用於生字前面可解作過低,過少,例如 Underweight (adj 形容詞)Weight (名詞 解釋為重量)過輕

Underrated 意思是評分過低,事實上表現不錯。


The meaning of the word “underrated”.


The word “underrated” is an adjective and refers to something or someone who isn’t regarded highly enough. Or does not get enough recognition.

The word in a sentence: “She’s an underrated artist”








Undervalued, not rated or valued high enough


That movie was so underrated, It really should have had top billing.

When workers feel underrated they tend to feel unmotivated.


It is not good to be underrated. You should rate things and people aprropriately


What does underated mean?

What does underated mean? Underated means something that has not received recognition or praise it deserves.

A good film that no one pays attention to can be underated.

Synonyms for underrated:underestimated, undervalued, minimized, discounted, devalued, depreciated, belittled, disparaged and overestimated.


What does underrated mean?


rated or evaluated too low; underestimated or undervalued:It’s an accomplished album from an underrated band, and will hopefully get them the recognition they deserve.


📕If you call something underrated, it means you think the general opinion about it is lower than it should be.

📝Part of speech: adjective (it is used to describe nouns)


✅ He is an underrated actor. His acting is much better than people say.

📝Check yourself🌹

Think of an opposite of 'underrated'.

🌹Answer 👇

✅Overrated - too highly rated or praised. ✨


Below is the explanation of underrated

  1. If you call something underrated, it means you think the general opinion about it is lower than it should be.

    -Underrated is an adjective, but is also the past tense of the verb underrate . It is somewhat more common to call something underrated than to say that people underrate it, but both are used. The opposite of underrated is overrated which is perhaps more commonly used.

  2. Example: I think Brussels sprouts are an underrated food


When we rate something, we are judging and trying to give it a score so others can try to understand the standard of the object that we are describing.

Overrated. // Underrated.

Sometimes people have different judgements for the same things.

When we say something is overrated, we think that the object is not as good as others say it is.

When we say something is underrated, we think that people do not value the object as much as we do.

For example, "This movie is so overrated." means that we think the movie is not as good as how others have rated it.


Underrated Meaning

Not rated or valued highly enough. You will use this word to explain your opinions and feelings regarding a topic or subject.

How to use it practically in your day to day English

In my opinion, badminton is underrated, it should be played more!

He is one of the most underrated players in basketball.

Anime is defiently not underrated, people see the value in it no doubt!

This is a beautiful, underrated film.


The definition of underrated is something that has not received the merit, recognition or praise it deserves.
