What is the difference between awhile vs a while?

21 Answers

Awhile vs. A while

By: Teacher Sierra from AmazingTalker

Today, I will teach you the difference between awhile and a while.

What is the difference between awhile and a while?


Awhile is an adverb, and it describes for a period of time.

A while is a noun, and it describes a period of time.

Even though both of these are describing a period of time, how to know which one to use in a sentence? Let’s read more!

"A while" will follow words such as "after" or "for”. You will also use “a while” when you see “once in…”.

When you are describing a period of time as an adverb, you will use “awhile”. Awhile will follow a verb.

Let’s look at some examples!


Example 1

After a while, I became very tired from running.

Explanation: Do you see the word “after”? That lets us know to use a while because this is following the word "after".

Example 2

After dinner sat awhile, the food started becoming a little cold.

Explanation: The reason you don’t use “a while” here because we have the verb “sat”. Remember, “awhile” follows a verb.   


Example 3

I rested awhile.

Explanation: Awhile follows the verb “rested”.

Example 4

I rested for a while.

Explanation: Do you see the word “for”? That lets us know to use a while because this is following the word "for".

Example 5

Let’s wait awhile longer.

Explanation: Awhile follows the verb “wait”.


Example 6

I waited for you for a while.

Explanation: Do you see the word “for”? That lets us know to use a while because this is following the word "for".


Example 7

I meet Vanessa every once in a while.

Explanation: “Once in” lets us know to use a while.



"A while" will follow words such as "after" or "for”. You will also use “a while” when you see “once in…”.

When you are describing a period of time as an adverb, you will use “awhile”. Awhile also follows a verb.

Awhile can be described as modifying a verb, but to make it easy for you to remember, just remember that you will see “awhile” following a verb.

Practice Time

Can you think of some sentences to use awhile vs. a while?

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The difference between awhile and while

Awhile is an adverb that means "for a while," whereas "while" is a noun meaning "a period of time."

Sentence examples

I'm going to sit and rest awhile.

The rumor had been around awhile.

It’s been a while since I’ve been back there.

Can you stay for a while?


'awhile' is an adverb, which can be taken as 'a short time'.

'while' is a noun, which can be used in different context.

'awhile' is an adverb, wh'ich can be taken as 'a short time'.

'while' is a noun. 'a while' can be used in context such as' It happened a while ago',meaning 'a long time ago', or, can be used in context like ' He stayed for a short while', meaning a short period of time.

Moreover, 'while' can be taken as 'although' / 'at the same time as', but ' awhile' cannot.


Awhile vs a while

What are the differences?

While is a noun that refers to "an undefined period of time" or "at the same time"

Awhile is an adverb that refers to "for a while" and is usually used for short durations.

While examples:

A period of time: "I'm going to read a book for a while"
At the same time: "Please cut the onions, while I cook the meat"

Awhile examples:

For a while: "Please wait here for awhile"


Awhile vs. A while, how are they different?

How are they different?

Awhile is an adverb that means "for a while," whereas "while" is a noun meaning "a period of time." Generally, the two-word form "a while" should be used when following a preposition ("I will read for a while"), or with the words ago or back ("a while ago/back"). Awhile should be used to modify a verb ("I will wait awhile") and can usually replace any usage of "for a while."

Perhaps having to wait awhile isn't an entirely bad thing.
—Liza Mundy, The Atlantic, June 2015

She was having computer trouble, she told him, and would be offline for a while.
—Mark Warren, Esquire, April 2015

It is obvious that both awhile and a while are in wide use in places where some language commentators believe the opposite form belongs. It is also obvious that using awhile or a while makes no great difference to the reader. There are, therefore, a few things you can do. You can follow your own feel for the expression and write it as one word when that seems right and as two words when that seems right.


Awhile is an adverb. Usually it would follow a verb.

Eg: He worked awhile as a teacher here. It means he used to work here as a teacher for a period of time.

A while is a noun. You could use it with a preposition, like for, after, and etc.

Eg: I turned back after a while, but he kept walking. It means I didn't walk for too long, maybe I just don't have the patience.


“awhile”和 “a while”都是一段時間的意思,它們的區別主要是用法不同。请耐心往下讀一讀,看看這兩個詞的用法吧。

从语法上看,awhile是副詞單獨做句子成分,a while是不定冠詞➕名詞,需要加上其他附加成分再做句子成分。

awhile (adverb) 基本上可以理解為 for a while,與之互相替換 意為一小段時間

I will wait awhile.= I will wait for a while.


He worked awhile as a teacher in HK.


I'm going to sit and read awhile.


A while後面可以加上一個程度副詞。

I'm going to sit and read for a while (longer).我打算坐著多讀一會。

A while後面還可以加上时间副词詞如 a while ago/a while back,表示不久之前
A while ago,I sent him an email.不久前我給他發了一封郵件。

不过以上是标准语法,Google一下发现其实很多人都已经将两者混用了,for、in 后跟的词变成了awhile。所以如果应付考试遵循上文的基本语法规则,日常口说将两者混用完全没有问题。

综上,基本规则是use a while after a preposition and before ago or back.

Use awhile to modify the verb.


Awhile = adverb

A while = article + noun

Awhile VS a while

The main difference between awhile and a while (besides the obvious space between a and w), is: awhile is an adverb, meanwhile, a while is an article (a) plus a noun (while).

Meaning wise:

Awhile means "for a short while". As an adverb, it is often used to modify verbs.

A while, on the other hand, means "a period of time". Classified as a noun, a while is used to modify adjectives.


Awhile: I'm going out to walk for awhile
A while: I'll write for a while longer


Keep in mind that "awhile" is an adverb which generally means "for a while"

Pay attention to the format and pattern of both.

As an adverb "awhile" is used to describe verbs.

for example:

A: It is getting late. Don't you wanna go home?
B: I know, but I will wait awhile. (verb + awhile)

A while is usually followed by a preposition.

A: It is getting late. Don't you wanna go home?
B: I know, but I will wait for a while. (FOR + a while)

A small quiz for you! :)

I am going to read for ---------------------.

Probably, having to wait ---------------- is not a bad idea.


Awhile is connected to time.

As an example I could say wait awhile please I will see you in ten minutes. My mother is just helping me finish my homework.

While means during.

Please clean the floor while I wash the dishes.

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Awhile is an adverb that means "for a while," whereas "while" is a noun meaning "a period of time."

Example Given

Generally, the two-word form "a while" should be used when following a preposition ("I will read for a while"), or with the words ago or back ("a while ago/back").

Conclusive innovation

People ought to be better than this, there is a thing called Google at one's disposal, duh, ain't no rocket science.


Awhile is an adverb which means “for certain time/for a while and “while “is a noun which means for some period of time.

Awhile vs while

Please wait awhile!

I will take awhile.

I saw him while I was in the market.

While ago, she texted me.

Just remember awhile and for a while can be used interchangeably.

While ago and while with verb can be used to indicate the time period.


The difference between 'awhile' and 'a while' is that the first one is an ADVERB and the second one is a NOUN (more precisely, a noun phrase consisting of an article (a) + noun (while))


  • It is an adverb with a meaning 'for a while / for a period of time' .

  • For example:

    I'll be in my room awhile.


  • It is an article + noun construction which means 'a period of time'.

  • For example:

    I haven't seen him for a while.

Even though both usages are acceptable, a NP 'a while' is used more often than an adverb 'awhile'.


Awhile = short time

A while = long time

A long time vs a short time

I’ll only be gone for awhile, please wait for me.

This might take a while. I hope that’s okay with you

awhile & A while

Awhile is something that will take a short time to be done and A while is something that will take a long time to be done




  • For a short time.
    "stand here awhile"

a while

  • A period of time.

  • At the same time; meanwhile.

The difference of "awhile" and "a while":

"Awhile" is an adverb while "a while" is a noun.

The adverb awhile (one word) means in a short time: "Stay awhile." The noun phrase a while (two words) refers to a period of time: "I sat for a while and waited."

  • For a while - for a short time; "sit down and stay awhile"; "they settled awhile in Virginia before moving West"; "the baby was quiet for a while" awhile.

    a while

I'd like to lie down for a while.

They chattered away happily for a while.


I read awhile, then slept.


I therefore conclude that when using both words/phrases, we have to be more careful especially when you apply it with grammatical rules.


Awhile or a while

Awhile is an adverb that means "for a while," whereas "while" is a noun meaning "a period of time."

'Awhile' is typically used to modify a verb: "I'm going to sit and read awhile." 'A while' is typically used after a preposition: "I'm going to read for a while longer."

Prices were going up rapidly nine months ago, peaked awhile back, and now, we're starting to see cotton prices go down and be more stable.

He said Miller was down on his luck and that he wanted to help him out for awhile.

At a luncheon I attended recently, a speaker shared with the audience something I had said a while ago.


The word "awhile" is an adverb that illustrates the idea of "a while" or basically a period of time.

Since the word "while" is a noun that means a period of time, so "a while" means a specific period of time.

"awhile" is an adverb.

"while" is a noun.

Since you just came back from a long trip, maybe you should hold off the chores for awhile and do them after you get some rest.

I like to travel abroad by myself every once in a while to get a different perspective in life.


"awhile" is an adverb.

"while" is a noun.


The Difference Between Awhile and A While

Obviously, you can say awhile and a while aloud without noticing any difference between the two.

Awhile vs. A While Image

A While Definition

A while is a noun phrase made up of two words—the article a and the noun while. If we suppose that there’s no need to analyze what the article here means, we can focus on the noun: while is an unspecified amount of time.

So the noun phrase a while means “a period of time.”

I will be out for a while.

Awhile Definition

Awhile, written as one word, is an adverb, and it means “for a period of time.” Basically, awhile equals for plus a while.

Being an adverb, awhile is used just like any other adverb.

Garfield waited patiently for the bus.

In the example above, the adverb patiently describes how Garfield waited. The adverb awhile works the same way:

Garfield waited awhile for the bus.



AWHILE is an adverb which means "for a period of time".

A WHILE is a noun phrase which means "a period of time".

AWHILE and A WHILE in a sentence:

Leah waited awhile for the bus.

After a while, I feel more relaxed in the airplane

Difference between AWHILE and A WHILE:

When something happened a long time ago, you can use: A WHILE

Basically, awhile equals for plus a while. Being an adverb, awhile is used just like any other adverb.

awhile and a while have plenty of things in common, but they are still very different.


The adverb “awhile” and the noun phrase “a while” are commonly confused words. Despite their similar sound and spelling, they have different meanings.

Awhile is an adverb that means "for a while," whereas "while" is a noun meaning "a period of time." Generally, the two-word form "a while" should be used when following a preposition ("I will read for a while"), or with the words ago or back ("a while ago/back"

Awhile, written as one word, is an adverb, and it means “for a period of time.” Basically, awhile equals for plus a while. Being an adverb, awhile is used just like any other adverb. Garfield waited patiently for the bus. In the example above, the adverb patiently describes how Garfield waited.

While they sound identical and are spelled nearly the same, “awhile” and “a while” do not have the same meaning and are different parts of speech. To understand when to use “a while” vs. “awhile,” focus on their grammatical function.

  • Awhile: The word “awhile” is an adverb meaning “briefly or for a short period of time.” If you "ran awhile," it means you ran for a short time.

  • A while: “A while” is a noun phrase that describes an unspecified amount of time. If it has been "a while since I've seen you," this means that some length of time has elapsed between meetings.

To help remember the difference between these words, remember that the one-word version, “awhile,” is an adverb. It acts upon another word. The two-word version, “a while,” is a noun. It contains the article “a” plus the main noun “while” and should only operate in a sentence as a noun.


Awhile or A while?! 🤔

Awhile is an adverb that means "for a while," whereas "while" is a noun meaning "a period of time." Generally, the two-word form "a while" should be used when following a preposition ("I will read for a while"), or with the words ago or back ("a while ago/back").

Awhile should be used to modify a verb ("I will wait awhile") and can usually replace any usage of "for a while."

The word awhile is an adverb meaning "for a while." The two-word expression a while is the article a plus the noun while, which means "a period of time" (as in "stay here for a while") or "the time and effort used" (as in "worth your while").


'Awhile' is typically used to modify a verb: "I'm going to sit and read awhile." 'A while' is typically used after a preposition: "I'm going to read for a while longer."
