What does fruity mean?

22 Answers

What does it mean to be fruity?

There are many meanings to being fruity and many of the times, it could be used as an American or English slang word meaning that the person is very eccentric or a little bit crazy. There could be other meanings and it all depends on the context.

Being Fruity

John didn't like the fruity aftertaste of his drink.

A person being fruity could be one of many meanings.

1) could mean that it relates gay people

2) could be something of a crazy person

3) A drink could be fruity if there's alcohol and fruit mixed together.

being fruity

Being fruity is just a slang term and depending on the use and the context, you can use it as well, but be careful to use this term in the right context and right situations.

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Fruity is an adjective used to describe the flavor that a drink or beverage might have

The drink that I ordered is very fruity.

I feel like drinking something fruity

This wine is wine is not very fruity


The word fruity is an adjective. An adjective is the word that describes a noun.

Meaning of Fruity:

Fruity means something that resembles or tastes like fruit. There are many desserts or sweets that have a fruity taste like mango ice-cream or tropical juice.


"This juice has a lovely fruity taste to it."


Which of these food items would have a fruity taste to it?

  • mango

  • tomato

  • pumpkin

  • pineapple

  • litchi

  • carrot


The word 'fruity' is an adjective. It is most commonly used to describe the smell or taste of something that reminds you of fruit, or pehaps it contains a little bit of fruit.

Food that is made mostly from fruit

If I bought a cake that was made mostly from fruit I would call it a fruit cake. These cakes are usually dry, contain a lot of dried fruit and can last for several months.

~ April fruit jam is made mostly made up of apricot fruit and sugar.

Food that contains some or smells like fruit

If I bought a cake that had some fruit in it, tasted or smelled like fruit I might describe as being a little bit fruity or fruit flavoured.

~ The cake is fruit flavoured.

~ The cake tasted a little fruity.

~ There was a fruityness to the cake.

~ The cocktails have a strong fruity flavour.

~ The wine has a subtle fruity taste to it but I can't tell what kind of fruit it is.

Products or perfumes that taste or smell like fruit

~ I love this new perfume! It has a fruity smell.

~ I prefer cleaning products that have more fruity than floral scent to them.

Fruity sounding person

Someone who sounds fruity has a sweet, deep and attractive voice.

~ The speaker's voice had an appealling fruity quality to it.


"Fruity" means "like fruit, or having the qualities of a fruit".

Use with what?

You can use this with any object, usually in reference to their smell or taste.

Sample sentences

"I love this perfume. It's so light and fruity."
"The children love fruity candies."


"Fruit" is also a very rude slang term for a homosexual man. Avoid using "fruity" in reference to people.




  1. Of, containing, or relating to fruit.

  2. Tasting or smelling richly of or as if of fruit.

  3. Excessively sentimental or sweet.

  4. Crazy; eccentric.

  5. Gay or effeminate.

  6. containing fruit or fruit flavoring

  7. mad, crazy

  8. effeminate or otherwise flamboyant or homosexual (of a male)


Tasting its fruity character and vanilla overtones relaxes you immediately.


Fruity could mean by eating something that have lots of fruit in the recipe! However, if you smell good fragrance that smells like fruit you could say it smells fruity !

If you smell lotion it could smell like Berries


Fruit is a great word to use when describing taste or your friend's behaviour! Yes, it can be a nice way to call your friends a little crazy.

Fruity and it's meaning

1: A great way to describe tasting or smelling richly of or as of fruit

2: informal or slang terms for mentally irregular


1: That candy was very fruity

2: She was acting a little fruity the other day

Should I use Fruity?

Of course, you should use the word fruity. It's a great word to describe taste and scent but also a funny word to call your friends when they are acting a bit "Fruity"



The word fruity is an adjective of fruit, describing the character of different fruits resemblance within food or beverage items, this scent of fruity can also be used as base flavours in many other items like perfumes and air fresheners

Examples of sentences with the word Fruity

This juice is so delicious, I really love its fruitiness

This perfume has a fruity scent

I love the fruity taste in this smoothie


The word fruity also has many different comparatives in our ever changing modern day, the word can be associated with current social media trends as an adjective describing music, dance and can be used as slang.




Fruity means something has fruit-like qualities either with taste or smell.

It is often used for wine, other beverages, desserts, etc.

This red wine has some fruity notes and a hint of cinnamon.


What does "fruity" mean

a : relating to, made with, or resembling fruit having the flavour or smell of ripe fruit.

b: extremely effective, interesting, or enjoyable

What type of word is "Fruity"?

Fruity is an adjective

Originally created in Venice, this cocktail combines prosecco with peach nectar or puree for a delightfully fruity drink.— Elizabeth Rhodes, Travel + Leisure, 19 May 2020

She acts a little fruity.


Crazy, Silly



Fruity is an adjective and it describes how something tastes.

That lollipop is so fruity, it tastes like watermelon.

I love fruity ice cream like strawberry ice cream, instead of chocolate.

We use fruity to describe the flavor of a type of food.


to taste fruit-like,


to have a fruit like taste


this candy is fruity


Fruity or... "Fruity"?


While fruity can be an adjective to describe something as literally fruit-y (like the food), the current use of fruity that are used among people are to describe someone being gay.

It used to be a homophobic slur, but is now also reclaimed from the LGBTQ+ community.


A: Gosh, look at that bod

B: idk they do be looking fruity tho


What does fruity mean?

Fruity is a word that is usually used to refer to a scent or taste that is similar to a fruit.

You can use this word to describe a scent or a taste.

I naturally love scents with fruity undertones.


fruity = resembling or containing fruit.

(especially of food or drink)

fruity = mellow, deep, and rich.

(of a voice or sound)

fruity = crazy, silly



  1. I love fruity drinks!

  2. Emma has such a fruity voice!

  3. She acts a little fruity.


Something is fruity adjective: fruity; comparative adjective: fruitier; superlative adjective: fruitiest

Especially of food or drink, resembling or containing fruit.

Of a voice or sound, mellow, deep, and rich.

This is a fruity cocktail.

Jeffrey has a wonderfully fruity voice

Fruity meaning fresh and good.


What is fruity?


This soft drink tastes fruity!


I love fruity desserts.


Do you prefer the fruity or chocolate flavor?




Fruity means containing fruit, especially of food or drink.

Fruity could mean mellow and deep for a voice or sound.

Example: - The children feel like licking their fingers when eating that

fruity cake.

- Emma has a wonderful fruity voice.


What does fruity mean?

  1. 'Fruity' is an adjective that means resembling or containing fruit.

  2. (of a voice or sound) mellow, deep, and rich

  3. A word used to describe somebody as being gay or suspicion of being gay


"My nose filled with the smells of leather, polish, wax—the fat, fruity smell of rich car".




Hello everyone 🌸

Fruity /ˈfruːti/ 🍏

2 syllables


Fruity definition

Fruity means that it smells or tastes like a fruit (apple, strawberry, cherry...). 🍎


This sweet has a fruity flavour. 🍓

The cream smells fruity. 🍒


adjective -smelling or tasting of fruit:

The punch was pleasant and fruity.

This wine has a delicious fruity flavour.

(of a remark) humorous in a slightly shocking way:

He was well known for his fruity jokes.
